Warp Talons enter the Black Legion

I was able to finish my unit of Warp Talons and get them varnished. I have to say, while the detailed Chaos Space Marine models look very cool, they also take quite some time to paint thanks to that same detail. It’s a bit of work in getting models like this done. That said, I’m pleased with how these Warp Talons turned out.

Warp Talons, completed

The Blighted Gold I used on the trim does make them stand out a little from my other Black Legion models. It’s definitely a darker, less red gold. For the varnish I used ‘Ard Coat and probably a bit too much of it. Even after a couple washes of Lahmian Medium the models still have some shiny areas. Kind of disappointing, but given how many sharp edges and points are on these models, I’d rather have them shiny than a bunch of areas with chipped off paint.

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Updates: Armies on Parade and Antares

It’s been a little while – over a month, now – since I posted. A lot of real life stuff, including a new house and moving into said house, has meant almost zero hobby time until this past week. But now that things have settled down, I’m getting back into the swing of things. So, here are a couple updates.

First up is an Armies on Parade board. After missing the last couple of Armies on Parade events, I promised my local Games Workshop shop manager I’d participate. Knowing I wouldn’t have time for something amazing with the board, and it being a little while since I did something like this, I decided to go the simple route. I wanted to do a two-tier board to keep it from being completely boring. The three options I though about were a centralized tier, an unbroken back tier, or a split back tier. As you can see, I went with the third option.

Armies on Parade board, foam

The Armies on Parade rules say the board limit size is 24″ x 24″ with no real height limit. Height wasn’t really my concern this time around. I did go for the full size limit on the board because I was concerned about running out of space. I picked up two 2′ x 2′ squares of insulation foam and a thin plywood 2′ x 2′ board from my local Home Depot, along with a 2″ brush and big bottle of wood glue. I glued the base foam square to the wood board. I figured the would would act to reinforce the foam for transport, as well as protect it in case of any accidental drops. Once that was dry, I marked off where I wanted the tier pieces to go, then I use a hot wire foam cutter to carve appropriate chunks out of the other piece of foam. I smoothed out the foam surfaces where the cuts were made and then glued the pieces down.

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Bringing rot to Konor

I played my first game in the Fate of Konor global campaign on Sunday, and my third game in 8th edition. I’m not sure if the campaign is structured this way in other places, but at my local GW store, the first week was for games with a Patrol detachment. We were looking at about 30 Power Levels (plus or minus a few). No other restrictions were put on what we could take. I took a group of my Death Guard. My opponent ran Ultramarines, but all Primaris. To say the least, I was a little anxious as I hadn’t faced off against Primaris Marines yet.

My list included two 5-man Plague Marine squads, a Chaos Rhino, a Chaos Spawn and Typhus. The Plague Marine squads I kitted out the same way: two plasma guns, and then swapped the champion’s boltgun and bolt pistol for a power fist and plasma gun. That meant I could belt out at least six plasma shots each round. My opponent had two Intercessor squads, an Assault Terminators squad, a Primaris Lieutenant, and a Primaris Captain.

We played on a 4′ x 4′ table and used this week’s Konor campaign mission. I deployed my Death Guard in something of a gun line at the leading edge of my deployment zone. I also held Typhus for a teleport strike. My opponent set up his Space Marines in a cluster, near the center edge of his deployment zone, with his Terminators out front. You can get a sense of how things looked in this photo. I was supposed to go first, but he rolled a six on his Seize the Initiative roll. Of course!

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