Warp Talons enter the Black Legion

I was able to finish my unit of Warp Talons and get them varnished. I have to say, while the detailed Chaos Space Marine models look very cool, they also take quite some time to paint thanks to that same detail. It’s a bit of work in getting models like this done. That said, I’m pleased with how these Warp Talons turned out.

Warp Talons, completed

The Blighted Gold I used on the trim does make them stand out a little from my other Black Legion models. It’s definitely a darker, less red gold. For the varnish I used ‘Ard Coat and probably a bit too much of it. Even after a couple washes of Lahmian Medium the models still have some shiny areas. Kind of disappointing, but given how many sharp edges and points are on these models, I’d rather have them shiny than a bunch of areas with chipped off paint.

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More adventures on Konor

Another week of the Fate of Konor campaign draws to a close. I had another battle on Friday, this time against Blood Angels. The Games Workshop store where we played was suggesting a 35 Power Level game, but since my opponent and I had much more than that, we played a game around 100 Power Levels. I ran my Death Guard and my opponent brought his Blood Angels.

2nd Konor battle, turn 1

This was my first time playing against Blood Angels in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I knew my opponent had several drop pods, and since scatter is no longer a part of the game, I wondered what kind of threat that would be for my force.

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Bringing rot to Konor

I played my first game in the Fate of Konor global campaign on Sunday, and my third game in 8th edition. I’m not sure if the campaign is structured this way in other places, but at my local GW store, the first week was for games with a Patrol detachment. We were looking at about 30 Power Levels (plus or minus a few). No other restrictions were put on what we could take. I took a group of my Death Guard. My opponent ran Ultramarines, but all Primaris. To say the least, I was a little anxious as I hadn’t faced off against Primaris Marines yet.

My list included two 5-man Plague Marine squads, a Chaos Rhino, a Chaos Spawn and Typhus. The Plague Marine squads I kitted out the same way: two plasma guns, and then swapped the champion’s boltgun and bolt pistol for a power fist and plasma gun. That meant I could belt out at least six plasma shots each round. My opponent had two Intercessor squads, an Assault Terminators squad, a Primaris Lieutenant, and a Primaris Captain.

We played on a 4′ x 4′ table and used this week’s Konor campaign mission. I deployed my Death Guard in something of a gun line at the leading edge of my deployment zone. I also held Typhus for a teleport strike. My opponent set up his Space Marines in a cluster, near the center edge of his deployment zone, with his Terminators out front. You can get a sense of how things looked in this photo. I was supposed to go first, but he rolled a six on his Seize the Initiative roll. Of course!

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First game with Traitor Legions supplement: Death Guard

So this game happened a while back, in fact it was the weekend the Traitor Legions supplement came out. I, like many of my Chaos Space Marine-playing brethren, was chomping at the bit to get this supplement. The promise of new rules and formations to give us a proximate rendering on the table top of the original nine was something a lot of us had been awaiting. For me, especially exciting was the ability to run a Death Guard force. With the new book in hand (and a little bit of pre-release intel), I now needed to try it out.

My first victim… err… opponent was a young gentleman at the local Games Workshop store. He was interested in running his 30K Alpha Legion army, to which I agreed. I’d never seen a 30K army in action, so I figured, why not? I even took some not-so-great pictures, which are below the fold. Continue reading “First game with Traitor Legions supplement: Death Guard”

Played my first game of Kill Team; Crimson Fists make their debut

Well, you had to know I’d eventually remember I have a wargaming blog, right? The holidays were busy, of course, with shopping for gifts for immediate and extended family and trips to see out-of-state family. But I also managed time to do some hobby-related work, as well as get in a couple of games. I’ll try to get to all of it in the coming days. To start things off, I played my first game of Kill Team at a local shop. I call it ‘The Battle of Christmas Town.’

Kill Team, opening turn
“I told you to get behind the tree!”

My opponent played a Harlequin troupe, though she had to use some Dark Angel proxies as she hadn’t brought her Eldar models. That was all fine and good with me. I’d not had a chance to play Kill Team yet, or really even look at the rules for it, so I was mainly interested in just getting my feet wet. I’m all for the heuristic gaming approach!

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