First game with Traitor Legions supplement: Death Guard

So this game happened a while back, in fact it was the weekend the Traitor Legions supplement came out. I, like many of my Chaos Space Marine-playing brethren, was chomping at the bit to get this supplement. The promise of new rules and formations to give us a proximate rendering on the table top of the original nine was something a lot of us had been awaiting. For me, especially exciting was the ability to run a Death Guard force. With the new book in hand (and a little bit of pre-release intel), I now needed to try it out.

My first victim… err… opponent was a young gentleman at the local Games Workshop store. He was interested in running his 30K Alpha Legion army, to which I agreed. I’d never seen a 30K army in action, so I figured, why not? I even took some not-so-great pictures, which are below the fold. Continue reading “First game with Traitor Legions supplement: Death Guard”

Slow going with the Black Legion squad

It’s taking longer to work on this squad and get it finished than I’d like. I was hoping to have it done before the weekend, as I’m going to be busy most of the weekend. I’m not sure that is going to pan out.

Black Legion squad, trims and details painted
More work done on the squad, with the various trims and other details on the model painted. Some washes have been started.

So far, I think things are going well for this squad. I usually try to follow an assembly line approach to painting squad-sized units, but that didn’t happen here (again!). Once I started work on the powerfist champion, I have to do more.

Continue reading “Slow going with the Black Legion squad”

Looking forward to the Black Legion update

Revised Black Legion supplement
“Alas, Brother-Captain Yorricus, I knew him….”

A quick post about the imminent release of the revised Black Legion supplement. I’m definitely getting it. It looks like the pre-order is sold out in the Games Workshop online store as of today, but I understand my local Games Workshop store will have some copies. So, yeah, it’s happening.

I’ve read the leaks online, and while the revision seems to be basically just the former supplement with new formations, I think it will be worth it. I like the formations for the most part, though I wish they’d done one with Obliterators as an option. But, right off, I can use several of the formations together with the models I already have painted. It’s not everything Chaos Space Marines should have, but it’s a step in the right direction with no countervailing backwards steps. I’m enthused.

I actually just sold my previous version to help fund the buy (which should be break-even; yay!). Yes, the revised version isn’t hardback with a dust cover, but then, I’m not a collector of the books. I’m also excited about some other things I’m hearing rumors about, but I’ll wait on that for another post.