Warp Talons enter the Black Legion

I was able to finish my unit of Warp Talons and get them varnished. I have to say, while the detailed Chaos Space Marine models look very cool, they also take quite some time to paint thanks to that same detail. It’s a bit of work in getting models like this done. That said, I’m pleased with how these Warp Talons turned out.

Warp Talons, completed

The Blighted Gold I used on the trim does make them stand out a little from my other Black Legion models. It’s definitely a darker, less red gold. For the varnish I used ‘Ard Coat and probably a bit too much of it. Even after a couple washes of Lahmian Medium the models still have some shiny areas. Kind of disappointing, but given how many sharp edges and points are on these models, I’d rather have them shiny than a bunch of areas with chipped off paint.

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Taking some older models off the shelf

I wasn’t able to get the white primer I needed right away for my next batch of Plague Marines. So I took a look at my shelf to see what stuff was still a work-in-progress and what needed updating. As it turned out, I had a set of Warp Talons I’d been meaning to complete, as well as a couple units I needed to add my base adapters to. I decided to get cracking on those rather than sit and wait until I could get the primer I needed.

Warp Talons highlights

First up was my unit of Warp Talons. These guys were started back during the Fate of Konor campaign. I did them up in at least three colors just to score points during one of the painting challenges. They’ve been languishing ever since. But I’ve wanted to roll them into my Black Legion force and so I got working on them. I’d already done the base colors I needed as well as the washes. I just needed to do the highlights – though they are pretty detailed models which meant quite a bit of highlight work.

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