It’s taking longer to work on this squad and get it finished than I’d like. I was hoping to have it done before the weekend, as I’m going to be busy most of the weekend. I’m not sure that is going to pan out.
So far, I think things are going well for this squad. I usually try to follow an assembly line approach to painting squad-sized units, but that didn’t happen here (again!). Once I started work on the powerfist champion, I have to do more.
One of the things I’m doing with this model, is I’m going a bit old-school. I’m using inks to do some of the washes. In this case, I’m using Chestnut Ink, diluted with water, on the model’s gold trim. It gives the gold this nice red luster, which fits for a warband as blood-soaked as the Black Legion. You can see the effect here a little bit.
I’m still using Nuln Oil on the things I painted with Chainmail or Boltgun Metal. I can’t wait to start working on highlights.
And I got the newly revised Black Legion supplement this weekend. I’ve started reading through it. Much looks the same, but they did add some things. If you haven’t heard, they added several new formations to the book for Black Legion lists. They also added some tactical objectives unique to Black Legion. So I wonder if new data cards are in the offing? One can only hope.
As always, thanks for reading.